Remembering Lessons of Love: In Honor of Our Fathers

Rha Goddess
3 min readJun 19, 2022


My greatest teacher on love and life has always been my father.

When I was a little girl, he used to take me with him — on daily errands, to meetings with clients, to watch him pace the courtroom floor and deliver riveting opening remarks as a litigator, etc. To some it perhaps would seem as if he was “dragging me around” because he could not afford to hire a babysitter.

Yes, my father was notoriously thrifty, because he grew up in poverty. But his hand stayed laced in mine for one simple reason, we loved each other.

He was my hero.

I watched him, in the late night hours, tackle his casework with empathy and compassion. Pouring over case files — he’d search between the lines for the true motivation that placed everyday people in precarious situations; knowing that systemic poverty and racism often served as the baseline for what was happening in the lives of those he served. My father, feeling the connecting strands to memories in his own life, always rooted for the underdog.

One of my fondest recurring memories are of the days we had enough money to go to McDonalds. As a special treat we would each get a hamburger and share a large order of fries. Sometimes they would be “my” fries, and sometimes they would be “his” — but we always shared. Playfully inviting the other to “look over there” while we each stole a few. :)

He always shared whatever he had with whoever was in need. This was his living example. A boundless generosity of spirit that always made room at the table.

In a world where men can often be painted as ruthless oligarchs and predators, I feel even more compelled to lift up original men.

Men like my father. Who stand quietly in love and consistently deliver. Men who honor their partners, guide their sons and cherish their little girls.

In our broader culture we give so much voice to how women need their mothers, and how men need their fathers, and this is true.

But today, I want to talk to all of the little girls who’ve never known about the essential contributions that only a loving and compassionate man can make in our formative years.

Fathers, Uncles, Cousins, Big and Little Brothers, Grand- Papas who wield magic and wisdom with a firm but gentle hand.

Today, I want to lift up the deep nurturing masculine that is so often overlooked.

Our fathers, be they absent or present, teach us what to expect from men and the world. In the material and the ethereal — they show us what is possible for better or worse.

I feel so deeply blessed to know so many incredible men. Originals who rise up every day and do whatever needs to be done to nurture and care for their families.

Men who don’t see “roles” and “lanes” when it comes to love. Men who simply do whatever they can to make life better for whoever is in their care.

Men who father far beyond the confines of blood and obligation, men who father ideas, organizations, societies and nations. Men who understand what is possible when compassion, courage and accountability are realized at scale.

If you know me, you know how much I love and elevate the Divine Feminine! And ladies, I see us pouring our healing balm as we rightly should into a world of great chaos and mayhem.

But what I also see and know is that we need our men.

Because the world is just as starved for compassionate and empathetic fathering.

I see the thirst in every boardroom, at executive tables, in the halls where power and influence ooze from every crevice. I see little boys with heavy burdens and little understanding…searching — for the love of their fathers.

To all the fathers and father figures who carry this original medicine.

I thank and honor you from the center of my soul.

For shaping the future of that Next Man and Woman.

May we continue to build the bridge that closes all of our divides.

May we see you not just today but everyday from now on.

May we know what is possible through you for all of humankind.

I hope that you enjoy this day.

I hope that you know that you are necessary

I hope that your hugs and kisses are many

And that you smile as you look out upon your enduring legacy.

And may it be a legacy that would make every little girl proud.

Happy Fathers Day!

I love you,




Rha Goddess
Rha Goddess

Written by Rha Goddess

Entrepreneurial Soul Coach, CEO of Move The Crowd, Author of The Calling

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