True Influence: Cultivating our Brave New World
Well My Loves …we made it!
Spring is finally in the air.
I LOVE Spring…
It’s the time of year when we feel the stirrings of our ambitions. It’s the time when we evaluate our progress and determine if we are indeed on course for achieving our dreams and aspirations or, if we’ve got to double down or even potentially reconsider our chosen path and course of action.
Springtime requests that we refresh our perspective as we transition from the cold, dark, and brooding winter into the warm, forgiving and effervescent sunlight.
And in honor of this, many of us are physically clearing out, psychologically releasing, and emotionally letting go as we welcome more of what we desire into our existence.
I’ve been in lots of conversations with leaders these days, and many see the potential of something new for their lives and their work emerging. They are being called to consider the next chapter of their lives and contributions — and even though they don’t have all the answers, they know that in this season, they want to do it differently.
At Move The Crowd, we are in a year of reclaiming, realigning, and reimagining. And this three part invitation is all about giving ourselves the space to discover what is our way vs. what is the way. Especially when it comes to building influence.
The term influence — and its beloved counterpart, influencer — are very hot right now. Not just in the traditional, you-better-get-your-social-media-game-up hot, but a real and genuine examination of what it takes to make a needle moving contribution to the places and spaces we occupy.
Quiet as it’s kept — all of us want to be influential. Whether we say it or not, whether we claim it or not. It’s inherent in our nature. So it’s important to understand why we’re drawn to influencing, and why it’s imperative for our communal health that we all begin to embrace and seek our own unique ways of mattering.
Why do we seek Success, Influence, and Power?
Many of us are drawn to influencing, but the “why” varies. For example, I was in a conversation with a leader recently, and she persistently told me, “I want power.” In a very simple tone, I replied: “For what?” She quickly explained: “oh, of course, I would do good with my power!” So, I asked her to speak more about her hunger for good before she spoke about her thirst for power.
Asking ourselves the “for what” behind our actions is key for several reasons. If we seek power for power’s sake, it can very quickly become an egoic exercise. Sometimes when we desperately chase success or influence, it can be to fill a void created by not feeling seen, heard and/or respected. These are important and natural desires - but when our influence is at the mercy of unhealed hurts, it is likely to be less about serving and more about proving to ourselves and the world that we are worthy. Which, in my experience, is a recipe for exhaustion.
(Okay, this is where all of the exhausted-with-social-media influencers put their hands up!)
In contrast, when we seek to influence for the right reasons, i.e., in service to a pressing opportunity or challenge with the intention to do good, our purpose becomes part of something far greater than our individual status.
We actually tap into a divine yearning — that part of influence that facilitates, guides and inspires us to be our best selves. That part of influence that invites others to step into their own power and purpose.
Rather than being rooted in recognition for recognition’s sake, our call to influence is rooted in that sacred connection to the vision we hold for a better world.
Just take a moment right now and honestly ask yourself; what do you want to influence? And why?
So, how do we cultivate True Influence?
To begin to shape your own individual Influence, it’s important to consider what inspires you. Or even to get clear about what doesn’t. So many of us have been handed models for leadership that just don’t apply. Or we’ve been so focused on specific accomplishments that we haven’t even taken the time to consider what they’re connected to.
True influence is far greater than landing that big name speaking gig, unlocking 7 figures, or gaining millions of followers. While those milestones can be very pivotal in where your influence leads, they can’t be effective unless they’re aligned with your true purpose.
Step 1: Get tangibly specific about the difference you want to make and how it will impact missions, systems, and most importantly, lives. Ask yourself: What is it that I feel passionate about? What do I want to be different? What am I willing to make better? For you and everyone involved.
Step 2: Who am I here to serve? Whether it’s your direct reports or your ideal clients, get laserly clear about who can benefit the most from your unbridled contribution. Know that when you are influencing i.e., educating, advocating, modeling, motivating and investing — it’s important to be clear about whose reality you’re looking to empower and transform. AND how their empowerment serves the whole.
Step 3: How will you do it? In what ways will you renegotiate the terms of your own leadership and expression to ensure that it aligns with your vision and values? And how can your vision and values enable more people to thrive?
This is where you really get to reclaim, realign and reimagine!
Reclaim Your Narrative — work to actively transform the old and limiting stories you hold about who you are, about power and success and about who gets to win and be great in this big grand world and “how it’s done.”
Realign Your Energy — come back to your values and integrity, re-examine where you spend your time, talent, and treasure (shout out Kathy LeMay!) and step out of situations that cause you to constantly undermine yourself.
Reimagine Your World — with every chaotic twist and turn, hold close to a vision that offers up new models and ways for living, working and being. Ones that move you closer to your true self and to the truth of others. Envision models that move everyone forward — one step and one day at a time.
We find our true power and influence in the passionate efforts we make, seen and unseen. In our daily decisions to engage in ways that leave ourselves and others empowered, and in our choices around how we spend our resources -i.e., our mental, physical, financial, emotional and spiritual energy.
A Brave New World Can be Ours; Tap in to Reclaim
Oppressive systems of power rely on us chasing inauthentic ways of living and leading in order to maintain their position in our society. When we strip ourselves of these harmful definitions of success, we also strip these definitions from the systems of oppression that depend on them. If we were to lay these definitions down and follow our intended paths of living, loving, and leading, we could reclaim our power and initiate collective change for our greatest good.
When our true influence is partnered with the authentic contributions of others, positive change becomes inevitable. And we grow even greater capacity to affect the things that really matter.
Who are the new stakeholders in your vision? What key collaborations could really move the needle for you? How can you work in ways that actually make the pie bigger? What places and spaces really need your presence, energy and contribution?
In this consequential moment, we can begin crafting our brave new world. To do that, we must think about influence in new, dynamic ways — both personally and collectively. New models of influence are needed now more than ever. Your voice can and does matter, your unique vision for change has the potential to inspire everyone around you, especially when you are clear about what you’re doing it all in the name of.
True influence is your birthright, and now is the season to make your mark.